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The Lancaster Community Center is a not-for-profit, community-based organization located in the heart of the city of Lancaster. The Center operates a extensive range of programs and services in and around the community we serve and since its establishment. The Center's program facility is located at 508 E. Meeting Street, Lancaster, South Carolina.


We recently made renovations to the building that enhance the facilties and amenities available for utilization. 


Since 1963, the LCCC (Lancaster County Community Center) has offered an unique venue options for receptions, corporate events, or special occasions in the Lancaster area.  Therefore, serving as a central hub dedicated to meeting the human service needs of a small family orientated Lancaster community espcailly for the black community 


Our Mission

Since the 1960's, The LCCC has made it a purpose to enhance the positive quality of individual, family and community by working with the community to contribute, facilitate, and promote solutions, for the enrichment of all 


Lancaster County Community Center envisions a healthy community where members use their services and talents to show respect and honor. LCCC brings together surrounding communities through churches, volunteers, organizations, and families. For the History and legacy of the center we aim to provide pride in the effort put forth by our ancestors to achieve the goals of the Lancaster County Community Center.

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Our Values 

The Lancaster County Community Center is important to this community because..


Past To Future 

Citizens need to be enlightened about maintaining a part of their past that at one time was a place for fellowship, socialize and enjoy 



The center can offer our children roots and stability of understanding hertitage. Working with people who were brought in this community center area. The growth and dedidcation makes the desire and stre



The Center will work with community representives and organzatons to establish a resoursce center that will serve as a pipeline for famlies the area. 

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